Understanding the Essence of Genetic-Testing in the Gluten-Free World

If a family member has been diagnosed with celiac disease, first degree relatives of those who have been diagnosed have a higher chance of developing the condition in the future. Considering these relatives have a higher chance of developing celiac disease, some may want to find out whether they do carry the related genes.


If so, the results depict that celiac disease may potentially develop at some point in their lives. When the individual doesn’t carry the genes, they know that it’s virtually impossible for them to develop the condition in the future. Gluten genetic testing is applicable considering there is a genetic component to the condition.


Things tend to be different with Non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) since it is thought to have a genetic component. Without having the genes that are associated with celiac disease, it is nearly impossible to develop the condition.


Gluten genetic testing can come in handy especially in parents with celiac disease and would like to know whether their children have the potential to develop these conditions. Positive genetic tests tell them that monitoring should be done on an ongoing basis. Negative tests would mean that no further screening is needed.


It is worth mentioning that there are two main scenarios that could warrant screening for genes associated with celiac disease. First is when a person has stopped eating gluten before having the antibody screening tests for celiac disease. Making do with gluten genetic testing can tell you if you have celiac disease.


Considering close to a third of the general population carries the genes, but only one percent develops celiac disease, carrying the genes doesn’t mean that celiac disease will necessarily develop. Keep in mind gluten genetic testing is more informative if it is negative. And this is easy to see considering negative results tell a person that it is virtually impossible that they have, or will develop, celiac disease.


Either way, gluten genetic testing doesn’t shed any light on whether or not a person has non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS). The first step of action in diagnosing NCGS is generally to rule out other possible causes of impossible, including celiac disease.

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